
Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Melva Exner, Esq '77 P'11

Bethanne Mascio Connolly '03

艾丽西亚·琼斯,D.O. '87



Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School is proud to announce that Melva Exner, Esq '77 P'11 has been elected as the newest Chair of the Board of Trustees. Melva opened her own firm, Law Office of Melva M. 在长期的职业生涯中担任各种内部法律职位之后. She served on the GMAHS Advisory Board from 1998 to 2001, the Alumnae Associat离子 Board since 1985, 曾担任校友会主席和副主席. 2017年,梅尔瓦因其对学校的贡献获得了玛格丽特·贝恩·巴格(Margaret beben Barger)的35届杰出校友奖. She became a member of the Board of Trustees in 2022.


Two alumnae join Melva on the Board of Trustees this year. Bethanne Mascio Connolly '03 自2006年以来一直是校友委员会成员,并于2018-2020年担任主席. 她还是Gwynedd-Mercy Academy Elementary的Mercy助理和招生管理主任. 艾丽西亚·琼斯,D.O. '87 自2021年以来一直是校友委员会成员,同时也是领导力咨询委员会成员. Dr. Jones owns a consulting firm, 维达斯咨询, 有限责任公司, 其重点是通过利用创新技术为所有人提供保健服务, regardless of their economic status.

Andrea Geppert ' 05

Terri Mazzotta Hynes '88 P'19, '22 

Katie Redmond Oberlies '07

GMAHS校友会董事会也选出了新一任主席, Andrea Geppert '05. Andrea于2015-2017年担任校长,并一直是奖学金委员会的积极成员, raising funds for the Alumnae 协会的 Legacy Scholarship through Quizzo events 和 fundraisers.


的 Alumnae Board added two new members, welcoming Terri Mazzotta Hynes '88 P'19, '22Katie Redmond Oberlies '07. 特里是一名慈善协会会员,在格温内德慈善学院小学担任二年级教师. 凯蒂是1861协会的成员,在伯灵顿商店担任高级买手.


祝贺当选为这些重要角色的校友! And thank you to our former Board of Trustees Chair Kathy Kirk Bellwoar '81 和 former Alumnae Associat离子 Board President Anna Skoien Lall '02 感谢他们多年来对母校的辛勤工作和奉献.


August 4, 2023, 6:30PM


与GMA社区的成员聚集在一起,参加我们在伊科纳阿瓦隆举行的年度海滨活动,品尝鸡尾酒和开胃菜. 客人必须年满21岁.



September 23, 2023, 9AM

CK5K Run, 1M Walk, Kids' Fun Run

Join the GMA community for the 15th Annual CK5K. 所有收益将捐给卡洛琳·基恩10年纪念奖学金.

Regist比n opening soon.



Gwynedd Golf 和 Tennis Classic

上午11点在北山乡村俱乐部报名参加第32届年度高尔夫精英赛. 首届网球精英赛将于上午9点在雪松溪乡村俱乐部举行.

Regist比n opening soon.


October 20, 2023, 11AM

Circle of Mercy Luncheon

从学院毕业50年或以上的校友被邀请参加这个特别的午宴, 现在欢迎1973届毕业生,庆祝他们50周年的重聚.

Regist比n coming in August.


October 21, 2023, 3-7PM


Come back to campus to reflect on your Mercy roots, 以表彰那些改变世界的杰出慈善女性, 在鸡尾酒和丰盛的开胃菜前与老朋友相聚.

Regist比n coming in August.


Join GMA at the Beach


与格温内斯社区的人一起在海岸上度过一个有趣、放松的夜晚 星期五,8月4日
6:30-8:30PM. 鸡尾酒会将在泳池旁的阳台上举行. 门票每张50美元,包括开胃菜和一张饮料券. Please register by July 21.

*This is a 21 years 和 older event.




Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School Gwynedd Mercy Academy Elementary 你在找什么 part-time Human Resource Specialist 履行两所学校的各项人力资源职责. GMAHS正在寻找一个 full-time 教师 member 加入 科学系生物与物理, beginning in the 2023-2024 academic year. 的 体育部门 也在招聘 助理田径教练 (hurdles, pole vault experience preferred).

我们仍然需要 14个导师!


Gwynedd Force Mentorship Program is looking for Alumnae Mentors! 这个项目, 由女校友协会与格温内斯领导部门合作赞助, 是否将学生与校友导师配对,以便在整个学年中与他们保持联系.


Alumnae Mentors are asked to meet with their student mentees, virtually or in person, four times throughout the 2023-24 academic year. No matter what career stage you are in, 所有格温内德仁慈的校友都有宝贵的建议和经验与我们现在的学生分享 当他们开始大学申请程序和未来的职业生涯时.


问题? Email Engagement Coordinator Caitlin Fitzgerald Straub '01 at cstraub@ehulk.net.

Looking for a Babysitter or Babysitting Job?


Join the private 脸谱网 group, 的 Babysitting Circle (of Mercy!). Gwynedd校友和学生欢迎成为这个独家小组的成员,以寻找和提供托儿服务. 




在努力保持草莓市场的货架一贯的库存, 校友会要求以当月数字结尾的年级成员捐款. 这意味着在7月份,我们将寻求来自 以7结尾的课程. 请考虑以以下一种或多种方式支持这个特殊的校友赞助计划:

  • Purchase items directly from the Strawberry Mans离子 Pantry Target Wish List 和 automatically ship to Alison McGrorty-Crotts, M.D., M.P.H. '04.
  • Drop items off in a bin located inside Gwynedd's front door.
  • Purchase a Target gift card 和 send it to strawberrymarketsmhc@gmail.com.
  • Send money via Venmo to @Ali-McCrotts.
  • 给艾莉森·麦格罗蒂-克罗茨结账,然后寄给GMAHS.


提交 Your Class Notes!


你有孩子吗? Celebrate a personal or profess离子al milestone? Receive a degree or award? 结婚? Fill out the form linked below to notify us!


如果你正准备结婚或生孩子,请告诉我们! 我们很乐意为您的接待送一面GMA的旗帜,或者为您的孩子送一件GMA的围兜. And be sure to snap photos, tag @gmahighschool on Instagram, 和 submit them with the Class Notes form.

Alumna Honored for Success in Law


Susan Dinneen,先生. '97, co-founder of Strauss Massey Dinneen 有限责任公司, 最近因保护保险公司免遭欺诈而受到表彰, extra-contractual 和 bad faith claims, 灾难索赔, 以及承保范围的争议. This year, she has been named a 2023超级律师, a 2023 Biz New Orleans Woman to Watch,和 2023 New Orleans Magazine Woman of Influence. Last year, she was selected to be part of New Orleans City Business' 2022 Leadership in Law Class. Congratulat离子s, Susan!

Classmates Gather in Avalon


1973届毕业生 在新泽西州阿瓦隆的家中开始了他们的50周年团聚庆祝活动 Leslie Lagan Toolan '73!


Front row (left to right): Maria Wackerman Durkin '73, P阿蒂·布斯特·莫里斯73年, 波比·斯托克斯73年 

Back row (left to right): 雪莉·拉夫·肖,73年, Lori Stokes Powers '73, Rosemary Gates Ferrero '73, Leslie Lagan Toolan '73, JaneAnn Galbally Sheehan, 73年, 凯特·弗兰纳里,73年

Gwynedd Girls Graduate Together


凯蒂·卡塔利诺,19岁格蕾丝·卡萨迪,19岁 both graduated from Drexel University this past June. Grace完成了她的电视和电影制作学位,katie完成了工商管理学位, Management Informat离子 Systems, 和 Technology Innovat离子 Management. Congratulat离子s, graduates!

Former GMA Athlete Competes in Ironman


Maura Ryan Pearsall '06 被邀请参加 2023 Ironman World Champ离子ships, which will take place on August 26th in Lahti, Finl和!


After a stellar athletic career at GMA, 莫拉后来成为宾夕法尼亚州立大学的两项运动运动员(足球和田径) & 字段). Since becoming a mother just over two years ago, 她觉得缺少了一些东西——竞争带来的刺激.


So, she signed up for the 70.PSU的铁人. 只训练了三个月,几乎没有铁人三项的经验, 她打破了6小时的目标时间,以5分41秒的惊人成绩完成了比赛. 她在她的年龄组中获得了跑步部分的第一名,在580名参赛者中获得了第四名!




GMA Sends Two Employees to Leadership Lab


Two GMA 工作人员 members recently attended the Gardner Carney Leadership Institute (gcLi) Leadership Lab in Colorado Springs, CO! Director of Leadership Initiatives Jennifer Cervone Guarnaccia '93 (第一个图, 左), who completed her training in 2021, attended the institute as a scholar 和 trainer. Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclus离子, 和 Justice 安妮塔·罗伯森 (第二张照片,最左边)参加了实验室的培训,获得了教学领导能力的认证. 我们很高兴这些杰出的教育工作者能把他们的知识和专业知识带给我们的学生, 教师, 和 工作人员. GMA致力于完善领导教学艺术.

Students Enjoy Soccer Camp


Rising 6-9th graders joined the GMA coaching 工作人员 for Summer Soccer Sess离子s 6月. 的y had the opportunity to play on the Monarchs’ turf, practice 和 improve their skills, 结交新朋友.

Gwynedd Girls Take Service Trip 


A group of Gwynedd Girls, along with Mrs. 米切尔和夫人. 赖德,旅行到 St. Croix in the US Virgin Isl和s. 的 service trip, in partnership with Catholic HEART Workcamp允许学生参加为期一周的服务和信仰形成活动. 的y worked with 和 supported the locals, met students from other schools in the US, went to Mass on the beach, 和 explored the Caribbean.

Campers Work On Basketball Skills


篮球夏令营 at Gwynedd has come to a close! 我们的体育馆和红色和金色的走廊里挤满了5-9年级的女孩,她们和我们的教练和学生运动员一起训练,提高她们的技能,练习团队建设, all while making new friends. 


Please send any personal or profess离子al updates, quest离子s about how to get involved with GMA, or other inquiries to the Director of Alumnae Engagement Erin Reimel Clements '12 at ereimel@ehulk.net.

© 2023 Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School

1345 Sumneytown Pike  |  Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002
